When my wife (sometimes) quarrel with me, I say this story to her as to why women quarrel with men frequently. I don't know whether you have already heard this story - any way let me share it with you.
According to The Bible, God created (the first woman) Eve from (the first man) Adam's ribs. Let us go back to the time when God created Man. God saw that Adam was feeling lonely - He felt that Adam requires a companion.
Now our story starts from here. God put Man (Adam) to sleep. He performed a surgery on Adam and took out one rib from him. He then stitched up Adam who was fast asleep. God decided that let Adam sleep for a while before he is woken up again.
As far as we all know, God used this particular rib to create Eve; however the actual events took place something like this:
It was a difficult surgery, and God found Himself exhausted. He called Gabriel (the Angel - is God's chief deputy), handed him the bone piece and asked him to take care of it till He returns from rest.
Gabriel waited there for a long time with the bone piece in one hand and watching the sleeping Adam. As time passed, and there was no sign of God, and he too felt sleepy. He gradually entered in to a slumber.
Enter Lucifer (the chief of Devils). He immediately estimated that whatever Gabriel is holding should be something very special (since Gabriel is very close to God). He snatched the bone piece from Gabriel and ran away.
Gabriel woke up from sleep and ran after Lucifer. After some running, Lucifer jumped into a small hole. By this time Gabriel had grabbed part of Lucifer's tail. Seeing that he had no other option, Lucifer escaped leaving part of his tail in Gabriel's hands.
Now Gabriel was in a fix. If he failed to return Adam's bone piece to God, he feared that God might turn him into another Lucifer (as had happened earlier with some of his colleagues). What was available with him was a bone piece from Lucifer's tail. When he heard God coming towards him, he quickly peeled off the skin from the tail piece...
...After some time God created Eve. He found that Adam was happy seeing his companion.
...and men and women happily (?) lived ever after.
well, so that's the material women are made up of!!!
ReplyDeleteI seriously hope it's not true!! What a wierd way of saying why women argue n fight with men!!
ReplyDeleteCome on....women aren't as bad as we men think!!Don't deny the fact that they do fight and argue quite a lot... but they are nice to us as well...
I think their tounge is made of adams rib. wht do u guys say?
ReplyDeletePlease note I say this story to my wife ONLY when we put up a quarrel.
ReplyDeleteOf course no body can deny that they are nice to us most of the time, and without them what is the meaning of life....?
Now scientists suggest that the same fighting itself might have caused the separation of genders....
Researchers have found new evidence that suggests gender separation in higher organisms might have happened billions of
years ago, and that it might have occurred as a result of their mutual fight for dominance and existence, and that it
might have gradually evolved into their current form as we see it today.
While studying fossils of prehistoric bats trapped in a cave ecosystem which flourished undisturbed for billions of
years, researches came up with interesting findings.
1. They were not able to find any kind of gender differences for the earliest fossils they got.
2. When they analyzed another batch of fossils that lived and died much (millions of years) later, they were able to see
an organ in their lower abdomen area for some of them which resembled more of a weapon than a sexual organ (remember the
horn of a bull), while in some of them, marks which resembled deep injuries in their lower abdomen area were also seen
(probably which caused their death).
3. Another batch of fossils that lived and died at a later period, had signs of the weapon organ mutating into a sexual
organ for some of them, while the weapon injury for the other set of creatures mutating into a sexual organ.
4. Of course they got a detailed picture of how the acquired weapon organ mutated to a sexual organ for one set of the
fossils, and the acquired weapon injuries got mutated to a sexual organ to comfortably accommodate the weapon/sexual organ
for the other set.
5. I am not able to put up the actual transition that the researches found since it is very complex - ranging from
creatures with both the organs in them, with multiple organs of the same gender as well as the opposite gender coexisting
in the same creature, roles reversed, and so on... transition within a time frame of millions of years.
Scientists believe that nature itself might have learned lots of lessons from the experiments that it conducted on itself
to evolve a better form of reproductive mechanism that we see today (which cannot be considered defectless anyway -
and we still have medically fit couples unable to give birth to a child without any known reason - probably nature might have its own reasons) and improving...
Amazing are the ways of nature when we know more and more about it.
Who knows in future, nature would like to experiment with men conceiving and women at a position as we men are in today...? Or even smarter... like the same person being able to create an offspring without the help of another person....
Or it may sometimes find a more useful function for a bull's horn...
horrible.... isnt it? For nature its not at all an issue.... it has done it in the past.. and it may do it again with improvements in the future...
For nature its only an experiment. And for nature the period of 120 years in nothing...
It knows time in a scale of millions and billions of years only....
Nature never ceases to amaze us.
ReplyDeleteIt remains to be seen whether our science will be able to fully understand the mysterious ways of nature or not.
For nature nothing is impossible.